"Every student is different, his needs are different from any other student. So he must be treated by the mentors as per his potential."
As per policy, we take LIMITED number of students every year, so that every student can be nurtured properly.
Therefore in the admission process we've incorporated 'Raw Brain Analysis'. Through which we analyze every student individually in the 'personalized interview session', taken by National Record Holder JEE mentors.
To participate in this scientifically designed 'Raw Brain Analysis' process, appear in the BoSoN test and know the present potential of the student. Along with your ward's analysis, also get the benifit in terms of fees rebate for admission at CatalyseR.
The admission process for CatalyseR occurs in 2 mandatory steps
Step 1 : Objective Test
Step 2 : 'Raw Brain Analysis' (Personalized Interview Session)
Click here to know more
Selection criteria will be based on the cummulative marks of both the steps.
• Offline mode-Free registration
• Online mode-Refundable Rs 300